Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good Day!!

Today is gonna be a good day, a good day, a good day!  I keep repeating that in my head like a mantra.  Happiness is a choice right?!  If I choose to be happy, then all good things will happen, because that's the power of positive thinking.  At least that's what I hope! I had a bad night last night, so today MUST be good!

I did NOT want to get out of bed today.  Last night I was laying in bed and my 7yr old (who sleeps in my bed most of the time) would NOT settle down.  Soooo being the loving mother that I am, I reached over and bonked her on the head.  It was dark of course so I didn't see that instead of the top of where her head should have been, I bonked her in the eye.  She cried for a minute making me feel guilty.  I felt really bad!  Sooo we get up out of bed to look at her eye in the bathroom and it's redness, no swelling, no oncoming black eye.  We head back into the bedroom, through Ava's nursery, and Abi is dragging her feet.  I give her a push, and she pushes back, so it becomes a game.  I push her again, and instead of pushing back, she pushes forward and flings herself onto the floor, where she proceeds to hit her nose on the floor pretty hard!!  Squalling quite a bit more now screaming that it's bleeding (it was not!), and now I feel REALLY bad!!  Sheesh, I should get the "Mother of the Year" award eh?! 

After she calms down, she crawls onto her mattress (which is on my floor because she won't sleep in a separate room) and proceeds to tell me "You're the best mom ever, Mommy!" (can't pronounce R's still, sounds like she's from Jersey)  Thank God that Ava didn't wake up during any of this!!

I love my kids!!  Even when we are accident prone and I'm eaten up with guilt, they always make me feel better :)

It's all fun and games til somebody gets poked in the eye and about breaks their nose!!!  STOP HORSIN' AROUND!!  (especially in the dark!)

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